Audit & Assurance
When it comes to audit and compliance work, it is absolutely vital you have confidence in your auditor. Audit quality is of fundamental importance for maintaining trust in the financial reporting process and the integrity of financial information. That is why HLB’s Audit & Assurance professionals work continually to ensure that multi-national audits are carried out to a high standard across the network. We provide audit services to a wide range of clients across the world. The experience of audit teams, covering many industries and sectors, enables us to focus on key areas of risk, adequacy of internal controls, and potential areas of fraud.
Enhancing your credibility
Financial statement services are a key part of the HLB network and we have sought continued excellence in this area – adopting new technologies, implementing new methodologies and staying at the forefront of current developments, including regulatory changes and international standards. We’re committed to providing a high-level technical service, backed-up by meeting deadlines, attention to detail and respecting your time and schedules, whether you’re publicly listed, privately held, a not-for-profit entity, a government department or a state-owned enterprise. Our audit professional aim to deliver added value to every audit engagement.

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Our expertise
Financial audit
Internal audit
External audit
External audit |

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